Our Missionary Journey

  • June 2007 — Sensed God’s leading back into full time ministry
  • December 2007— Became Wycliffe members
  • January 2008 — Attended Wycliffe two week orientation in Orlando, FL
  • February — May 2008 — Attended Vernacular Media Training in NC
  • June 2008 — Started raising financial and prayer partners
  • January 2009 — Attended Wycliffe two week Equip Training in FL
  • August 2009 — Attended Inter-Cultural Communications Course
  • April 2010 — Applied for French language school in Cameroon
  • July 2010 — Reached 100% of our needed financial monthly support
  • August 2010 —  Reached 100% of our launching expenses
  • August 16, 2010 — Departed the USA for Cameroon
  • August 17, 2010  — Arrived in Cameroon, Central Africa
  • September — October 2010 —  Attended Orientation called CAMBO
  • October 2010 through January 2012 —  French language school
  • March 5, 2011 — Birth of our daughter Eliana Izabelle Gregoriev
  • February 2011 —  finished formal language school and started full time service in Cameroon
  • Mid November 2011 – Mid January 2012 — short furlough in the USA
  • July 2013 — completed our first term in Cameroon
  • July 2013 — March 2014 — furlough in the USA
  • March 2014 — started out second term in Cameroon
  • May 2016 — December 2016 — In the USA to share with partners, update our skills, family time, plus projects for Cameroon
  • January 2017 — started our 3rd term
  • May 2019 — Jan 2020 furlough in the USA
  • Jan 2020 — started our 4th term
  • Aug 2020—March 2021—remotely worked for Cameroon while assisting Nathanael’s family during terminal illness and death of his father
  • March 2021 — June 2022 serving in Cameroon
  • June 2022 — Fall/Winter 2022??? — sharing, speaking; once we are at 100% of our required Wycliffe budget Nathanael can start his new position at IMS at JAARS in Waxhaw, North Carolina

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