
God answers the prayers of His people. In 2013 we recorded our first Luke Film in Cameroon in the Bambalang village.  Lots of memories from our time there.  One memory is that the well was dry and there wasn't any electricity.  So, we asked all our partners to pray for sunny days to give us solar power for recording and rainy nights to fill the water barrels so we could cook, bath, and do laundry by hand. God answered!

In 2013 the audio Book of Luke had a powerful impact on the Bambalang community.  “Hating your enemy back cannot solve the problem. But loving your enemy will disarm your enemy and make him powerless.” – Pastor Pius Mbahlegue  To know more why this quote is so important watch this video Forgive My Enemies Video

Fast forward ten years and we recorded our first ACTS film for the people of Bambalang in our studio in Yaounde.  What a blessing it was to work with this language team again after all these years.  May this new film impact many lives for Christ.



So thankful for your prayers and encouragement during this intense season of life. You have been amazing! Thank you so much for your love and out pouring of support. God has confirmed over and over again that we have made the right decision (see January announcement video). 

We have a lot of hard work ahead of us before we can report for duty at International Media Services (IMS) at JAARS in Waxhaw, North Carolina.  We covet your prayers as we prepare for this huge transition.  We have already started sorting through all of our belongings.

On Feb 28, Lord willing, the "B" ACTS film major dubbing project will start in our office studio.  This project will be a huge answer to prayer for this language community.

We celebrated Nathanael’s birthday, Christmas, our anniversary, New Years and Darla’s birthday and soon we will be celebrating Eliana’s birthday.  She will be 11, March 5th. 

Darla is still recovering well from her adrenal tumor surgery and broken nose.  Nathanael just had his last follow up appointment and is able to take real showers now! 

We are still taking one day at a time as our energy levels are not 100% yet.  We are trying to keep a good balance between serving, preparing for an international move and life at home.

God is so good!  He has provided for all of our medical bills!  Let us know how we can be praying for you.



January 2022

Announcing Our

Change of Assignment





We certainly have many things to be thankful for.  Your prayers and encouragement help keep us going, thank you for partnering with us!

We have praises! The Bangolan Luke Film has passed quality check and Darla has the mastered DVDs in hand! 31 DVDs were duplicated for four different language communities! Pray God will use these mightily. Also, we are thankful additional security measures were put in place at our main center to improve safety for our people and facilities.

Darla’s surgery in Florida went well and she is recovering in Missouri with her family. Please continue to pray for His provision for the treatment she received. Please pray for her trip back to Cameroon December 4/5. There are still potential risks of blood clots forming.  Please pray for three pieces of luggage she is bringing back with her. They are filled with equipment for three departments, personal items, Christmas presents and many items for several others. Pray they arrive safely without any issues at immigration/customs.  Also pray she doesn’t have any problems lifting them and getting them out of the airport in Yaounde.

We trust you had a Happy Thanksgiving. Eliana and Nathanael spent Thanksgiving with two other families. It was our first major holiday apart. Nathanael also celebrated his 40th birthday November 26th. 

We enjoy hearing from you. If you would like to know more up to date prayer needs ask to be added to our Prayvine mailing list.  We are on Facebook as well.



We are so grateful for your prayers and encouragement as we live life here in Cameroon! You are appreciated!

Bangolan Luke Film dubbing, editing and testing is finished!  We submitted the Luke film for quality check today.  Once the film has been checked, mastered and sent back, we can begin making duplications for distribution. The Bangalon community has been patiently waiting for this mighty tool!

It was highly recommended that Darla have the mass on her adrenal gland removed.  Lord willing, Darla travels to Florida November 12/13. Her surgery is November 16th. Darla’s sister plans to be with her. Nathanael and Eliana will stay in Cameroon.  Please pray for His provision for all the details that need to come together so that she can receive the necessary treatment. Pray for great travel, successful surgery, no complications, speedy recovery and all the other pieces. She hopes to return December 4/5.  Please let us know if you have questions or would like additional information.

Nathanael is working with the Administration to see how we can make security measures better. This has been a long process and continues
to be something that Nathanael spends a fair amount of time on. Eliana enjoyed her fall break.  We went fabric shopping and took her out to breakfast (which are some of her favorite activities!).  Can you guess which fabric piece each of us chose?

Thank you for praying for us! Spiritual warfare is real! Please pray we have deep restorative sleep each night and are focused on Him. It is not easy to be brave, caring, patient or trusting 24/7. However, we know God is still good, and He has a plan and HE is in control.

If you would like to hear more frequently from us, plus know more up to date prayer needs ask to be added to our Prayvine list.  You can also follow us on Facebook. Drop us a line, we enjoy hearing from you.


10 Year Anniversary with Wycliffe

December 2007- December 2017

10 year anniversary

Highlighting the early years with Wycliffe

June 2007-July 2010

Highlighting life in Cameroon

August 2016-2020

Highlighting the early years in Cameroon

August 2010 - 2015

10 Year anniversary



Ministry accomplishments in Cameroon

Aug 2010 - Aug 2020

Your encouragement is valuable to us

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